Vernon Waldron
Victim Advocate
Vernon Waldron is Concerned Angel's Victim Advocate. Twenty years ago Vernon Waldron’s 10 year old daughter Autumn died in his arms three hours after a repeat offender drunk driver going the wrong way on a Maryland highway crashed into his family car. Waldron’s 17 year old daughter Thera died at the scene. His wife Christine was severely brain damaged and her life was horribly altered forever beyond repair. His wife had been driving his oldest daughter home from college and it became and still is the worst drunk driving crash in the history of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. They were totally innocent. And in a matter of seconds without warning his family’s future was destroyed.
Paul Dugas is the President and CEO of StarBanc Capital LLC, a privately held bank holding company.
He has been a friend and advisor to Sandy Golden and Concerned Angels for the past seven years.
Paul is a much admired paralyzed vet who served in Special Forces for the U.S. Marines with ReCon 2/9. He had top secret security clearance. His squad took first place in the Super Squad competition in 1980 held at Quantico VA. All squad members were presented with a gold medal by the Commandant of the Marine Corps at the main Marine Barracks in Washington D.C.
He was a Scout Master and a Wood Badge Leader and served on the staff on the National Youth Leadership Counsel for Boy Scouts of America. He has been active in his church and was in the leadership of men’s ministries.
He is a father of two daughters in college and one son still at home. He has been married to his wife Peggy who is a Registered Nurse for 28 years.